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Sad State of Society

Senior citizen blames Dr. Spock’s no spanking children theory for ails of the world

I must confess I am a senior citizen, raised in a different era. But I am absolutely appalled by what society has become.

First of all, I blame Dr. Spock, who was the first to promote the ‘do not spank your children’ notion. In his later years, appalled by the behaviour of his own grandchildren, he realized that he was wrong. Unfortunately, he did not spend enough time and energy to recant his former philosophy with the same enthusiasm as he spent in the promotion of the erroneous Do Not Spank theory.

Both parents and schools, unfortunately, still propagate the lack of discipline that Dr. Spock promoted, much to the detriment of society and the children.

My own children were taught that ‘no meant no’ by the time they were two years old. I hardly ever had to spank them. They knew that disobedience would simply not be tolerated and retribution would be swift and certain if they transgressed.

Unfortunately, the young parents of today do not practice religion in their lives. Children are not taught to know right from wrong and to love God. This, along with no consequences for bad behaviour, has resulted in a complete collapse of society. The day they took the Lord’s Prayer and the strap out of the school was a sad day for our world.

Jeanette Spooner