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Signage sought for cyclist safety in Vernon

LETTER: Too many close calls leaves rider requesting greenway improvements
Lake Country’s Valerie Regier heads out on the bike portion of the 2022 Kal RATS Sprint Triathlon run-bike-run race June 25, in Vernon. Regier was fourth in her Women’s 65-69 age group in one hour 38 minutes three seconds. Cyclists are urging motorists to watch for them on roads and paths. (Roger Knox - Morning Star)

Regarding the paved walking/bicycle paths from the Village Green Mall to Kal Lake.

I would like to commend the city for implementing a greenway for pedestrians and cyclists. I am happy to use these paths daily as a cyclist commuter. I would, however, like to request signage at intersections where streets and/or driveways to businesses cross the paths. A simple sign possibly under the stop signs asking drivers to look for cyclists.

As I ride south on the walk way from the Village Green Mall, traffic approaching from the east and turning right, north, rarely stop at the stop line and similarly do not look right for cyclists.

They look left and ease into 29th Street without looking to see if a cyclist or pedestrian might be approaching from the north.

This also happens regularly on the path from Kal Lake heading north on the path. If vehicles are turning right onto Kal Lake Road, south, they look left, inching into the roadway not looking right to see if pedestrians or cyclist might be approaching from the south. Granted, not all motorists fall into this group but this happens so frequently that some cyclists, myself included, have taken to riding on the road with the vehicles as we seem to be more visible there where drivers have become accustomed to seeing traffic.

I’m comfortable on the road but this in turn seems to irritate some drivers that might be wondering why we are not on the designated cycling path. I’m not sure of the cost of this proposal but I think all residents that use the greenway would feel safer while using it if it were implemented.

James Nicholls

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Jennifer Smith

About the Author: Jennifer Smith

20-year-Morning Star veteran
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