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Vernon veteran pens battlefield poem

Face to graves written by Second World War Sergeant David Janicki
David Janicki, 1920-1945, Sergeant in the Canadian Scottish Regiment Royal Canadian Infantry Corps 1st Battalion, Second World War.

Sluggin’ Jerry left and right

Having lots of fun

Till one night we caught him right

Now he is on the run

We licked you on the beaches

Chased you through the towns

You’re not safe if we reach you so lay that Luger down

We will push you across the rivers

And through the fields of grain

You will wish you never heard of

The Normandy campaign

We will blast you in the day time

And mess you

Up at night when we get through with you

You’ll be an awful sight

Lay the Luger down kid

Lay that Luger down

Luger lugging Ludwig

Lay that Luger down

Lay that Luger down kid

You haven’t got a chance

Luger lugging Ludwig

You’re all washed up in France

David Janicki, 1944

Jennifer Smith

About the Author: Jennifer Smith

20-year-Morning Star veteran
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