Here’s your chance to not use an outhouse in winter, but rather to race one.
The Monashee Trail Society presents the second annual Lumby Outhouse Race Sunday, Jan. 22, at 12 p.m. at the West Salmon Trail parking lot on Bessette Street.
“Awards for fastest overall and best decorated outhouse will be presented,” said the society.
The event is family friendly, and it’s a fun-filled afternoon of fast-paced racing over the snow-covered tundra, using an outhouse as the racing chariot.
Teams of three will race a three-sided outhouse using skis, sheet metal or anything else they can think of to slide it across the packed snow.
Two teammates push the outhouse down the race track with the third team member seated on the throne wearing a helmet (safety first!).
The winning team will dump out competitors through, um, ‘head-to-head’ races with multiple heats.
Teams have to register in advance by email to, or by phone at 780-517-3749. Last day for registration is Thursday, Jan. 19.
A maximum of 20 teams can participate. Registration fee is $50.
Team check-in will be at 11:30 a.m. and the racing starts at 12 p.m.
READ MORE: VIDEO: Outhouses race to a frozen finish in Lumby
READ MORE: Lumby society racing to outhouse
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