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Jake and Elwood love a parade

Jake and Elwood love a parade

In what could have been a scene from a certain cult classic film: two guys –– one squat, one tall –– sporting black hats, skinny ties and sunglasses, drive up to a liquor store in a souped-up police car, with rhythm and blues blaring from the speaker attached to the vehicle’s roof.
King speaks for all to hear

King speaks for all to hear

When I was just a little guy, I suffered from a speech impediment. Nothing close to what Colin Firth’s George VI goes through in The King’s Speech; mine was not a stammer, rather a lisp.


Carol and Wayne Lippert of Vernon and Sharon and Alistair Bain of Armstrong are pleased to announce the engagement of their children, Alistair Casey Bain and Brittany Ann Lippert. Wedding to take place in 2012.


In front of family and friends, Brandon Thomas Mason got down on one knee and proposed to Heather Sheena Bain.

Alzheimer Society presents workshop for caregivers

The Family Caregiver Education series of the Alzheimer Society of B.C. offers a workshop for people who are caring for someone with dementia Feb. 11 and 12.

Parents worry about gay son

Dear Annie: Our son, “Colin,” is 19 years old and a sophomore in college. He was always helpful and a good student. Last spring, Colin became rude and condescending. We found out he was living with a 33-year-old man who is infected with HIV. This man was controlling and used sexual blackmail to keep Colin in line. We finally got our son back home, but it was a long, difficult summer.


The families of Lee and Mandy are delighted to announce that they were married Sept. 10, 2010 at Kaloya Park in Oyama, B.C.
Visual poet to read at Vertigo today

Visual poet to read at Vertigo today

Visual poet Derek Beaulieu not only writes and recites words, he makes art from them.

Understanding the labels on your food

As consumers, we are constantly bombarded with advertisements for “healthy” foods. Unfortunately, we cannot always trust that the health claims on food packages accurately reflect the true nutritional quality of the food. Looking past the health claims and reading the Nutrition Facts Table and the Ingredients List, will give you a much more accurate picture of nutritional value of the product.

Cooking it lean and healthy

Ending our month of healthy eating recipe ideas, we have two recipes which are a change from earlier. The first is a delicious tamale pie which could easily become a family favourite. An extra bonus with this dish is that the corn-topped pie is perfect for anyone who can’t eat anything with gluten.