An Armstrong mother has taken her concerns of speeders to police and council after her son’s backpack was clipped while crossing the road in a crosswalk.
The boy told his mother this week he was crossing near Armstrong Elementary School when “someone in a black car sped through the crosswalk, clipping his backpack with the side-view mirror,” mother Holly Dalgleish said in a post warning parents.
Dalgleish is now urging other concerned residents to speak up and write to council.
She said a witness stopped to check on her son and noted he was “pretty freaked out.”
Dalgleish said she has reported the incident to Vernon North Okanagan RCMP and has since spoken with the City of Armstrong.
“If you are concerned for the safety of our kids, write a letter to council and send it to,” Dalgleish said. “My letter is in their inbox waiting to be read.”
School zones are a 30 km/h zone between 8-5 p.m. on school days unless otherwise posted. Speeding through a school zone can result in a fine ranging between $196-253 and cost a driver three demerit points, according to ICBC.
Vernon North Okanagan RCMP media relations officer Const. Chris Terleski reminds motorists that posted speed limits in school zones are set for ideal conditions.
“With the fresh snow and temperature fluctuations we are experiencing, road conditions can be extremely icy in the mornings and drivers need to be vigilant and alert for children who may be on their way to school during this time,” Terleski said.
“When roadways are icy and slippery, they (motorists) need to slow down even more and give themselves extra time to get to their destination.”
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