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Armstrong preparing for floods, fires

Emergency management planning priorities adopted by council
On May 6, 2017, the City of Armstrong declared a state of emergency as low lying areas experienced significant flooding due to heavy rainfall and snow melt. Temporary road closures were in effect in the downtown core and in adjacent neighbourhoods due to flooding on the roadways. (City of Armstrong photo)

Past floods and fires that have threatened the area have prompted Armstrong to put some plans into action.

The City of Armstrong has included Emergency Management Planning as an objective in the 2022 Strategic Plan.

The new objective formalizes emergency response initiatives as a council priority in an effort to strengthen the city’s preparedness, response and recovery in critical situations.

“An emergency is never planned but we must be as prepared as we can be for any event and this process will ensure that we are ready,” Mayor Chris Pieper said.

The primary considerations for the 2022 Strategic Plan Emergency Management Planning objectives include the establishment of a dedicated Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) in the new City Hall, creation of City Hall Emergency Response and Safety Plans, development of a community Emergency Evacuation plan and the completion of a White Rock Lake wildfire After Action Review.

The After Action Review will assist staff and council with future emergency response planning preparedness and strengthen the city’s Emergency Support Services and EOC operations.

The city will be hosting a public-information meeting during Emergency Preparedness week in May.

“This is a further commitment from council that shows that they are invested in ensuring that the city is taking steps to mitigate risk, are prepared and responsive to emergencies and are taking steps to pre-invests in recovery needs before incidents occur,” said community services manager Warren Smith.

Council reviewed the 2022 Strategic Plan during the Monday, March 21 council meeting. The newly updated Strategic Plan also includes objectives pertaining to affordable housing, economic development, public infrastructure such as roads, sewer and stormwater, and updating several key planning bylaws, such as the Official Community Plan, zoning and building bylaws.

The plan guides municipal operations and is used for assessing progress and results for success during council’s term.

READ MORE: Armstrong long-term care patients relocated due to nearby White Rock Lake wildfire

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Jennifer Smith

About the Author: Jennifer Smith

20-year-Morning Star veteran
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