From curling to cows, dozens of local groups are getting a boost so people can be more active, creative and culturally connected.
The B.C. government is supporting 117 not-for-profit organizations in the Interior that are focused on arts and culture, with more than $3 million in Community Gaming Grants. The funding will help people participate in a range of activities, such as theatre and music, as well as access cultural centres and museums.
“People’s lives are enhanced by the sports, arts and cultural programming that not-for-profit organizations offer throughout British Columbia,” said Anne Kang, Minister of Municipal Affairs. “Healthy, vibrant communities are key to a healthy, vibrant province and these grants are one way our government is helping people in communities thrive.”
The p4rovince is also helping 201 not-for-profit organizations in the Interior that are dedicated to sports, with more than $5 million in Community Gaming Grants. The funding will help people participate in a variety of activities, such as soccer, swimming, hockey, gymnastics or wheelchair sports.
The largest local recipient of the annual contributions is the Okanagan Symphony Society (OSO), granted $164,500.
“These funds make it possible to present our OSO mainstage concerts and adjunct activities; engage our community through our various program offerings to preschoolers, school-age children, youth and their teachers; and present our smaller ensemble Pocket Orchestra series,” said Geraldine Parent, OSO executive director.
Grants were also doled out to Caravan Farm Theatre, the Armstrong IPE, local curling clubs, arts groups, O’Keefe Ranch, Friends of Fintry, sports groups, Okanagan Military Tattoo and more.
Grants are presented to:
• Caravan Farm Theatre Society $27,500
• Armstrong Interior Provincial Exhibition Association $100,000
• Armstrong/Enderby Skating Club $24,000
• O’Keefe Ranch and Interior Heritage Society $35,000
• Arts Council of the North Okanagan $15,000
• Caetani Cultural Centre Society $13,500
• Enderby & District Curling Club $19,500
• Enderby Salmon Arm Ice Breakers Speed Skating Club $6,000
• Friends of Fintry Provincial Park $8,500
• Lumby Curling Club $1,500
• Lumby & District Figure Skating Club $10,000
• Lumby & District Minor Amateur Hockey Association $30,700
• North Okanagan Minor Hockey Association $25,500
• Greater Vernon Museum and Archives Society $28,500
• Okanagan Military Tattoo Society $25,000
• Powerhouse Theatrical Society $25,000
• Sadok Ukrainian Dance Ensemble of Vernon $6,000
• Vernon Concert Band Society $2,000
• Vernon Public Art Gallery Society $91,000
• Vernon Winter Carnival Society $35,000
• Sky Volleyball Club $43,000
• Vernon Cross Country BC $104,220
• Vernon Ski Club $35,000
• Vernon Baseball Association $21,000
• Vernon Rowing and Dragon Boat Club $30,600
• North Okanagan Sailing Association $17,500
• Okanagan Alpine Ski Association $4,000
• The Biathlon Society of British Columbia $49,905
• Kokanee Swim Club $28,500
• Greater Vernon Ringette Association $24,500
• North Okanagan Youth Soccer Association $65,000
• British Columbia Freestyle Ski Association $33,835
• Greater Vernon Minor Hockey Association $75,000
• Vernon Curling And Athletic Club $52,000
• North Okanagan Minor Lacrosse Association $17,600
• North Valley Gymnastics Society $31,600
• Vernon Paddling Centre Society $4,700
• Vernon Speedskating Club $2,200
• Silver Star Freestyle Ski Club $18,500
• Vernon Figure Skating Club $32,000
• Vernon Ski Club $60,000
“We are so grateful to have many organizations in our community that are dedicated to improving the lives of others in our community through sports, arts and cultural programming, which helps people to explore their talent and improves their mental and social well-being,” Vernon-Monashee MLA Harwinder Sandhu said. “With these grants, we are supporting this important work and helping organizations to make our community a bright, vibrant and positive place to live. This funding will help people in the region to participate in a variety of activities, like theatre, music, sports, cultural programming and access to these services.”
READ MORE: Okanagan Symphony Orchestra bringing holiday joy around the valley
READ MORE: Seniors have Vernon-Monashee MLA working for them
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