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Horses, dogs and pigs rescued from Vernon property

Unknown whether property owner will face charges
The B.C. SPCA seized 43 horses, four dogs and four hogs from a Vernon property. (Submitted)

A total of 43 horses, plus four dogs and four hogs, have been seized from a farm near Vernon.

The BC SPCA removed the animals this week from an Irish Creek Road home after executing a warrant on the property Monday. The home recently suffered extensive damage following a fire, but it has also been under investigation after reports of emaciated farm animals.

The issues of concern related to inadequate food, water and shelter.

See: Animals seized from North Okanagan property

The animals are currently being looked after by BC SPCA while veterinary examinations take place and evidence is gathered for any potential charges. Whether charges are warranted could take months to determine.

“They (animals) have to stay in SPCA care during the legal process,” said Lorie Chortyk,general manager of community relations for the BC SPCA.

But the SPCA is accepting donations to support the cost of care for the seized animals at

See: SPCA seizes 54 animals from Vernon property

The property belongs to Carla Christman, a North Okanagan woman who was given a suspended sentence and two-year probation in 2012 on a charge of failing to provide necessities for animals.

In 2009, BC SPCA had discovered 28 thin and emaciated horses languishing with untreated injuries on a property outside of Vernon; along with 39 terrier mix dog and puppies and four cats inside an unventilated area. One pig and a llama were also taken from Christman’s property.

See: BC SPCA investigates Okanagan woman with prior animal abuse convictions

Christman’s home was involved in a fire earlier in March. At the time of the blaze, RCMP confirmed that there were several animals on the property, but none were injured as a result of the fire.

See: Fire destroys home belonging to North Okanagan home under BC SPCA investigation


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The B.C. SPCA has rescued 43 horses, four dogs and four hogs from a Vernon property. (Submitted)

Jennifer Smith

About the Author: Jennifer Smith

20-year-Morning Star veteran
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