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None injured in small fire near Lumby

“It looks like it was accidental, definitely nothing suspicious.”
Firefighters responded small fire in Lumby at around 10 a.m. this morning. (File Photo)

Lumby’s fire department was called to extinguish a small fire on Trinity Valley Road Saturday morning around 10 a.m.

Fire chief Tony Clayton said nine firefighters attended the scene where a “chicken coop or small barn” had ignited.

“We had it controlled almost immediately,” said Clayton. “It was starting to spread to some trees but that wasn’t really a problem because we’ve still got some snow up here.”

Though he said they had the scene controlled in under 30 minutes, due to the fire’s location no fire hydrants were on scene. Water was brought in to extinguish the flames.

“No injuries. It was a relatively minor fire. I’m not even going to put a damage cost to it because there was no real value to [the coop] anyways. It looks like it was accidental, definitely nothing suspicious.”

Related: Lumby Fire Department extinguishes motorhome blaze

Related: Lumby says thanks to firefighters

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