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Seniors have Vernon-Monashee MLA working for them

Harwinder Sandhu appointed parliamentary secretary for seniors’ services and long-term care
A new 90-bed long term care facility will be constructed behind the existing Creekside Landing in Vernon, announced by MLA Harwinder Sandhu earlier this spring. Sandhu has been appointed parliamentary secretary for seniors’ services and long-term care. (Jennifer Smith - Morning Star)

Seniors care and long-term care homes could be getting some extra attention locally as MLA Harwinder Sandhu takes a leading role in the area.

The Vernon-Monashee politician has been named parliamentary secretary for seniors’ services and long-term care.

Premier David Eby announced a new cabinet Dec. 7, made of experience and new energy that will focus on tackling the problems people are facing, and working to make life better for British Columbians.

“British Columbia is a wonderful place to live, but people are looking for action on the issues facing them and their families,” Eby said. “If the pandemic taught us anything, it’s that we can’t solve these problems alone. We need to solve them together. My team of determined colleagues will use a wealth and variety of experiences to continue the good work we’ve started and go further to deliver results people can see and feel in their communities.”

The new cabinet members are tasked with helping regular British Columbians with the cost of living, strengthening the health-care system, tackling the housing crisis so people can find affordable, attainable homes, making communities safer, advancing reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples, fighting the impacts of climate change and building a sustainable, clean-energy economy that works for everyone.

Two new ministries are being created to devote more attention and resources to major issues that impact British Columbians: the ministry of housing, and the ministry of emergency management and climate readiness.

The new cabinet includes 23 ministers and four ministers of state. Gender representation remains balanced. The cabinet will be supported in its work by 14 parliamentary secretaries.

READ MORE: Vernon chamber raises rally cry

READ MORE: Vernon council endorses 2023 budget, 4.79% tax increase


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Jennifer Smith

About the Author: Jennifer Smith

20-year-Morning Star veteran
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