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Vernon art gallery in ‘desperate’ need of funds while waiting on grants

Gallery Vertigo needs to raise $5,000 to bridge the gap until grant funds come in in April
Vernon’s Gallery Vertigo is in desperate need of operating funds while the non-profit waits for operating grants that won’t be available until April 2023. (Gallery Vertigo/Facebook)

Vernon’s Gallery Vertigo is facing an emergency funding shortfall, and is appealing to the community for help.

Due to the pandemic and the state of the economy with rising inflation, the gallery’s fundraising efforts have fallen short in the last year, and the non-profit needs to bridge the gap from now until grant money comes in.

That grant money won’t come until a couple months from now.

The gallery put out a plea to its members, as well as to the general public on its Facebook page in a post that said: “At this time we desperately need donations to help pay the gallery’s rent and utilities for the next couple of months. Anticipated operating grants will not be available until April, 2023.”

Gallery Vertigo’s goal was to raise $5,000, and executive director Brigitte Red says half of that amount has been raised.

The gallery applies for federal and provincial project grants every December, “but we don’t find out about those until March,” Red said. “We usually find that January and February are the months that we need to bridge with our money.”

Funding streams are fickle for registered non-profits like Gallery Vertigo, as Red says some years their project grant applications are unsuccessful. Other years they aren’t offered in the first place.

“It’s usually those small grassroots organizations that are left scrambling,” Red said.

The Regional District of North Okanagan provides Gallery Vertigo with an annual operating grant of $20,000. This year the gallery asked to have that total increased to $25,000, but their request was denied.

To support the gallery, click the donate button on Gallery Vertigo’s website,, or mail a cheque to PO box 1775 Vernon B.C., V1T 8C3, or visit the gallery in person at 102 - 3105 28th Avenue. As a registered charity, Gallery Vertigo is able to write out tax receipts for any donations over $20.

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Brendan Shykora
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Brendan Shykora

About the Author: Brendan Shykora

I started at the Morning Star as a carrier at the age of 8. In 2019 graduated from the Master of Journalism program at Carleton University.
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