After reading a recent letter to The Morning Star by C. McKenzie titled Go with the Natural Flow, that should get everyone’s attention, I am also dismayed by the fast disappearing of our local wetlands and floodplains.
Even the B.C. government states how important wetlands are, and we should do everything possible to protect these areas.
You only have to look at Okanagan Landing Road, Lakeshore Road and Tronson Road to see fill being dumped right in wetlands and marshes, another area I have been watching with interest is the fields between Old Kamloops Road and Highway 97 west of the Anderson business section, south of Swan Lake Nature Reserve Park and north of Kal Tire Place these fields are flooded every spring when the creek overflows its banks and run-off is in progress.
I have witnessed all of the topsoil taken away and now dump trucks of fill are being dumped there presumably to be used as pre-loading for more eventual development?
So where is all this water supposed to go then, other farmers fields or other areas in town.
And while I am at it, what is happening to our beautiful hillsides that are scarred with either housing developments, golf courses or vineyards? Do we really need more of these?
Jack VanDyk
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