I too am ‘vexed’ (Morning Star March 2, 2023) with the new cemetery rules regarding flowers.
I go there frequently as it’s where my husband, dad and niece are buried, and also where my mom’s ashes will be placed this summer.
I understand that momentos placed on the ground might be an issue for maintenance equipment. But how are items and artificial flowers up in the holder a problem?
I, for one, don’t want to see a barren landscape with dead and dying real flowers.
There are any lovely artificial flowers available now and it’s disappointing to have to use cut flowers all the time.
Who can constantly place real flowers there only to have them dry up and die within days in the Okanagan heat? Or maybe not be able to afford them to start with.
I hope the city will rethink this issues to at least allow artificial flowers year round in the holders.
Karyn Pifiefer
READ MORE: Fresh cut flowers only on Vernon cemetery plots
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