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Pumpkins make a smash for Vernon firefighters

Crews calling residents to come drop their Halloween creations from the tower
Vernon firefighters want your pumpkins, and donations for the first Pumpkin Drop from the firehall tower Nov. 5. (Jennifer Smith - Morning Star)

Now that Halloween is over, Vernon’s firefighters have haunted up a fun way for residents to dispose of their pumpkins.

“We are excited to announce that we will be hosting our first Pumpkin Drop,” said the Vernon Professional Firefighters Charitable Society. “Come on down to fire hall #1 to let your kids toss that old pumpkin from our hose tower from 10-2 on Nov. 5. All you need to do is make a donation to our charitable society!”

Families can watch their pumpkin go splat at the inaugural event.

Children must be five or older to participate but all ages are welcome to watch.

Those doing the drop must able be able to climb the hose tower staircase, while firefighters are hand to assist and ensure safety.

“We are very excited to host this fun event for your family,” the society said, adding there will be goodie bags and hot chocolate on location. “To drop your pumpkin it’s only a donation away which will all go to our charitable society.”

READ MORE: North Okanagan ceremonies remember veterans’ sacrifices

READ MORE: Pumpkin Fest raises funds for Vernon Animal Care Society


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Jennifer Smith

About the Author: Jennifer Smith

20-year-Morning Star veteran
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